Metal building wall panel and roof repairs - cut and paste repairs, save money by only replacing the damaged metal panel sections..
The damaged sections of the metal wall panels were replaced, the bottom 4'..
A common question is; do I have to replace all of my metal roof or wall panels, or can I just replace the defective, or damaged metal sections? Thats up to you! In the above metal building repair, the bottom of the wall panels had been damaged by materials being piled in front of the building and pushed in.
The old panel was cut out and new panel installed, it was also time to replace the base angle. At completion the owner had the contrasting colors he wanted, it looked great! If needed, while replacing wall panels is also a convenient time to replace doors.
Metal wall panel replacement, before and after pictures. Wall panels replaced with modern color and panel profile. Insulation also replaced, new facing, upgraded R-value. We replaced the old gutters and downspouts with new also
his metal building had rusted thru metal roof panels along the eave, along with other areas around the roof. This caused the metal roof to leak. Leaks along the edge, or eave, of a metal roof is extremely common. It is due to improper installation of closures at the eave between the bottom of the roof panel and the eave strut. As part of our repair process we follow Metalguard repair procedures that seals the metal roof eave to prevent this from happening in the future. The reason the metal roof panels rot out at the eave of the roof is because the metal building insulation gets wet. It stays wet ant rusts out the underside of the roof panel. All because of improper eave detail.
A truck damaged the bollard (and concrete base), the overhead door and wall panel. We replaced them all. This shows after the bollard and concrete repair, but before the steel repair. Our cement contractor repaired the cement.